Monday, January 7, 2008

Meeting - 27th November

Who Attended: Angela, Nick, Stephanie and Zen

We had a meeting on the 27th which was to reflect how well our shoot went on the 26th, from this we found some major issues. Stephanie's Grey T-shirt did not appear to be large enough. We thought of possibly adding a male character into the story, this is so we could gradually build up suspense throughout the clip.

The outside scene was not very effective in showing that someone could be watching her, we thought that using more hand held camera shots could have created this feeling. The key dropping scene may have to be changed due to the fact that it was not clear enough that the door had been left open.

Possible ways to fix this problem is to keep the door open further or to angle the camera so you can see outside throught the side of the door. There was a huge problem with maintaining similar lighting throughout our shots, there were no possible areas where we could keep our pag light in order to make the light look the same with each shot.

We could not maintain lighting for another reason which is when the clouds moved infront of the sun, shots became too dark and could not be placed in the same sequence as others. We might need to change Steph's T-shirt as it isn't long enough and so is impractical.

Nick and Zen

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